Monday, June 23, 2008

Mexico Vacation

by: Beth Gabriel

For travel ideas, I highly recommend Mexico! Here are a few tips and facts to help you on your way to this vacation paradise. When you get back home and youre organizing all of your pictures and souvenirs and may think, wouldnt it be great if I could find a beautiful Mexican Flag to remember my vacation by that doesnt cost too much to add to my whole vacation experience? Well, Ive found a great site that sells great looking flags for not a lot of money and their shipping is super fast

Mexico Travel

Mexico is fun and exciting - beautiful sites, exotic fashion and a lively culture can be found here! There are also a lot of different customs to be aware of. Here are some tips to make your trip a fun and hassle free experience.

Getting into Mexico

To enter Mexico you will need a photo ID like a driver's license, a tourist card and valid proof of citizenship. A tourist card is your permission from the Mexican government saying that you are allowed to be there. These cards are free and you can get help from your airline to obtain them.

Travel by plane

If you are traveling to Mexico by air, you will have two documents to fill out before you can enter Mexico. They are given to you by the airline before you get off the plane.

Getting a Rental Car

There are many rental car companies to choose from in Mexico. To rent a car, you must carry a valid drivers license and be at least 25 years old. Plan to carry a Visa or MasterCard credit card with you and reserve your car before you arrive to ensure that it is ready for you when you get there. You may even get a lower rate if you reserve your car ahead of time. Make sure that you have auto insurance. Your regular insurance from home will probably not be sufficient in Mexico. Before you go, make sure that you call your agent to make sure that you have coverage. It doesn't matter if you are driving a rental car or your own, insurance is a must in Mexico.

The Climate

Mexico is a great place to visit any time of the year. The rainy season is from June to October. November through May has more moderate, drier temperatures. Whenever you go to Mexico, you should be safe from weather worries.

Staying Healthy

Be very careful what you eat and drink in Mexico. Drink lots of fluids, but ONLY bottled water. When you eat fruits and vegetables, remember to peel them first. Bring along over-the-counter medications from home such as aspirin and pepto. These are good to have on hand just in case you eat something that doesnt agree with you and you may need them fast! Remember to use good common sense when traveling and youll have a great vacation in Mexico.

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